Healing & Teaching

Eileen practices a range of techniques in her work, both healing and teaching.


Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a spiritual healing art. Its origin is unknown however, some say it connects to Buddha. It was rediscovered at the end of the 19th Century by a Japanese scholar, Mikaomi Usui. It translates as Universal Life Energy. Reiki helps restore harmony, balance and wellness. It reinforces the body's natural ability to heal on all levels. It can benefit humans, animals and plants. Stress reduction has been noted in those receiving Reiki.

Reiki also supports other forms of treatment. When energy flows there is a balance within the recipient and the energy field around them. It is a non-intrusive healing. The Healer lays his/her hands on the client. The client remains fully dressed lying down or sitting on a chair. It is experienced as hot or cold, and some experience a tingling sensation. It can be received by anyone at any stage of life and is not associated with religions or belief systems.


Seichem (pronounced say-keem) works in the same way as Reiki, with hands placed on the body and in the aura around the body. Healing also comes through the eyes and voice. Seichem is made up of Earth (Reiki), Air, Fire and Water energies.

It was rediscovered by Patrick Zeigler in Egypt in 1980. The four elements are drawn together in the treatment. Positive results are generally achieved faster and with longer lasting effect when Reiki and Seichem are combined.

Eileen is a member of the Reiki and Seichem Association (RASA)



Aura-Soma is a non-intrusive, self-selective colour system of great beauty which offers one the possibility to increase self-awareness and transformation. It brings consciousness and insights from soul level into everyday life. It is helpful for those wishing to develop themselves and remember who they really are.

While not claiming to heal medical conditions it does help us to look at what lies behind disease (lack of ease). Aura-Soma was created by Vicky Wall in 1983 and is recognised and taught worldwide. Eileen offers consultations and also includes the use of Pomanders, Quintessences, Archangeloi and Colour Essences in her healing and teaching sessions.



Crystals can be placed on the body during sessions further enhancing the experience, healing, growth and awareness.

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Healing Practice & Training, Co. Tipperary. Photography Copyright © Dick Doyle