Usui’s 5 Reiki Principles
• Just for today, do not worry.
• Just for today, do not anger.
• Honour your parents, teachers and elders.
• Earn your living honestly.
• Show gratitude for everything.
About Eileen
Eileen Heneghan has lived and worked in Fethard, County Tipperary for 26 years. She is married with two adult children. Eileen qualified and worked as a registered general nurse and then as a registered midwife. She has extensive experience working on the labour ward, in midwifery and gynaecology, and held a Clinical Nurse Manager 2 position at South Tipperary General Hospital for several years. She is on the Board of Tipperary Rape Crisis Centre.
Following an illness after the birth of her son, Eileen began to explore wellness and soon became aware that this journey involved more than physical healing.
Eileen has explored and studied many modalities which supported her growth and ultimately led to her working and teaching in the area of consciousness growth. She blends Reiki, Seichem, Aura-Soma, Crystals and Sound. Eileen is also a yoga teacher in the Kripulu tradition and has trained in Yoga Nidra.
Eileen continues to update her skills by attending seminars, sacred journeys and courses in the field of energetic healing both in Ireland and overseas.
Life isn't about finding yourself, Life is about creating yourself
George Bernard Shaw