Book Your Next Experience Now

Eileen is currently running the following courses and meditation/yoga sessions. If you would like to book a place or to purchase a gift voucher, please contact Eileen on

+353 86 2436055


Gentle Yoga - 90 mins €22

Weekly 90 minute session every Wednesday from 6.30pm to 8.00pm at Fethard Town Park, Rocklow Road, Fethard, E91 N1F1. Drop in sessions, no pre-booking required.

Reiki 2 - €495

Tuesday 1st & Wednesday 2nd April, 2025 The focus of this workshop is the introduction of symbols to enhance the healing energy. A prayer treatment is taught, the ancestral lines are cleared and there is an increased connection to the intuitive. Support to the mental body is given using specific techniques and affirmations. This workshop runs from 10am to 5pm each day and includes lunch, tea break and certificate on completion.

Aura-Soma Level 1 Foundation Course - €675

Thursday 10th, Friday 11th, Saturday 12th & Sunday 13th April, 2025 The initial step on the 3-stage journey to becoming an Aura-Soma practitioner. This course represents a starting point for all those that are looking to trust their intuition and access a better understanding of themselves, allowing them to support not only their own wellness journey but also to support others to be the best versions of themselves. This workshop runs from 10am to 5pm each day and includes lunch, tea break and certificate on completion.

Cosmic Heart Acceleration - €444

Tuesday 15th April, 2025 CH Acceleration is the next stage in the Cosmic Heart sequence of energy healing. Through the initiation and introduction of another crystal, the deepening of this healing experience further opens the heart chakra and higher heart, Ananda Khanda. This benefits both the practitioner and the receiver drawing in the higher vibrations of love, peace, gratitude and creativity. There is a further letting go, reconciliation and a renewal of interest in new beginnings. This results in a movement towards self-actualisation. This is a day-long training workshop (10am to 6pm) that includes lunch, tea break, crystals, notes, a Divine Light Essence bottle from Clare Troy ( and a certificate on completion.

Cosmic Heart Activation - €333

Tuesday 29th April, 2025 CH Activation is a new healing which supports humanity's evolution. As we move deeper into the journey of Ascension and further awakening to our true mission and purpose, we find ourselves needing to find ways to access our higher selves. Through an initiation and crystals, we are brought into contact with the 5th Dimension and higher while remaining in our physical reality, supporting discernment and empowering one with the capacity to be in the moment rather than stuck in loops of past or future moments. No previous experience required - this course benefits all. This is a day-long training workshop (10am to 6pm) that includes lunch, tea break, crystals, notes and a certificate on completion.

Reiki Master - €595

Friday 16th, Saturday 17th & Sunday 18th May, 2025 This is the final degree of Reiki. Following this attunement, the person can pass on Reiki and teach others. Further spiritual expansion takes place, and the person is further opened to the universal connection of humanity and the power of love. This workshop begins on Friday evening, 7pm to 10pm, then runs from 10am to 5pm on Saturday and Sunday. Includes lunch, tea break and certificate on completion.

Divine Essence Crystal Healing Practitioner Training Diploma - €690

Tuesday 27th, Wednesday 28th & Thursday 29th May, 2025 This course takes you on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, whilst providing you with the tools for daily life. Once trained, you can take your clients on the same journey. The course attunes you to 24 crystals in total so that you can profoundly experience their individual energies and give immense profundity to your training. This workshop runs from 10am to 5pm each day and includes lunch, tea break, crystals and certificate on completion.

Cosmic Heart Presence - €555

Wednesday 18th June, 2025 CH Presence is the third and culminant part of the CHA sequence. Through the initiation and the introduction of another two crystals, the heart and higher heart are further activated and opened to receive expanded vibrations of love, gratitude, peace and grace. Firming boundaries and aligning the receiver to what he/she has been called to in terms of mission and purpose creates a greater unity, consciousness and deeper appreciation of Gaia. This is a day-long training workshop (10am to 6pm) that includes lunch, tea break, crystals, notes, a Divine Light Essence bottle from Clare Troy ( and a certificate on completion.

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Healing Practice & Training, Co. Tipperary. Photography Copyright © Dick Doyle