1st to 4th September 2016. Avant.
Codices of Light Level 1. Embracing and Embodying our Soul Purpose with the frequencies of Colour and Sound.
Investment €500 to include lunches and breaks each day.
6th and 7th September 2016. Reiki 1. Eileen Heneghan
19th 26th September and 3 October 2016. Grace Heart Healing Level 2. Tom and Fredericke Grace.
27th and 28th September 2016 Reiki 2. Eileen Heneghan
30th September 1st 2nd October and 21st 22nd 23rd Octobet . Aura-Soma Advanced Course. Cathleen Morley.
11th and 12th October 2016. Transformation Game. Katharina Brocke.
4th and 5th November 2016 Jungian Dream Interpretation Workshop. John Moffit.